Hello Explorers!
Welcome to Explore It! Inc., your trusted provider of co-curricular and enrichment programming for children from preschool through grade six. We offer a diverse range of programs, including lunch and after-school classes, camps, and workshops. Whether you’re looking for enrichment activities or co-curricular solutions, Explore It! is your one-stop shop for engaging, educational, and fun programming.
Our programs are designed to run on a term-by-term basis, with each term spanning 7 to 13 weeks during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Classes are typically one hour in length and are led by our team of highly qualified and passionate instructors. We take care of everything—from registration to program management—ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for parents, teachers, and students alike. Best of all, our programs are affordable, educational, and packed with fun!
We’re proud to have an exceptional team of talented, experienced, and highly educated instructors ready to bring our programming to life. Every effort is made to prioritize health and safety while delivering the high-quality, child-centered programming you’ve come to expect from us. Our goal is to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning in every child we work with.
Take a moment to review the programming suggestions on the right, and feel free to contact us to customize the perfect solution for your school or community.
Looking forward to exploring with you,
Liz, Randy and the Explore It! team. [email]
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